The Mixolydian mode is the 5th mode of a major scale. In the key of C it is: G,A,B,C,D,E,F,G.
It could be thought of as a major scale with a b7. In the above example, if you raise the F to F#, you have a G major scale. When the 7th is lowered, you have the Mixolydian mode.
To play C Mixolydian, we have to determine what key has C as the 5th degree. The answer is F. So, as before, We'll take the IV chord and the V chord of this key, and play them over a C bass note to bring out the sound of our mode. Fmajor= F,G,A,Bb,C,D,E,F. The IV chord is Bb, and the V chord is C.
This jam - and the Mixolydian sound in general- reminds me of the intro jam to the Late Night with David Letterman show. Major in tonality, with a hint of the blues.
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